Tulsa Leadership Team — M.E.N.D.

M.E.N.D. Tulsa Leadership Team



We had 3 children before our first loss in August of 2010 at 15 weeks. I went to my regular OB appointment and there was no heartbeat. I had a D&C a few days later. 15 months later at another regular Dr. appointment they again found no heartbeat. I was sent to the hospital to be induced. 2 1/2 days later Asa Matthew was born on October 19, 2011. Immediately after he was born it was discovered that his umbilical cord was wrapped around his thigh and tied in 2 true knots. In June of 2012 I had another miscarriage at 15 weeks and had a d&c a few days later. In April 2014 our son Asher Matthew was born full term!

M.E.N.D. is a registered 501(c)(3) and was founded in Irving, TX in 1996.  Please take a moment to meet our Board of Directors and national leadership team.

Chapter Assistants

Tiffany Marshall

Ryan Pickle

Ryan Pickle