Purchase a Brick — M.E.N.D.

Garden Of Hope Brick Campaign

brick order DEADLINE IS July 15, 2024.

Thank you for your interest in purchasing a brick in the Garden of Hope. Bricks ordered prior to July 15, 2024 will be installed prior to the Walk to Remember at the beginning of October 2024.

Please review the complete guidelines and brick samples before placing your order.

Available Options:

  • 4" x 8" - $100 - 3 lines @ 16 characters

  • 8" x 8" - $150 - 6 lines @ 16 characters

  • 12" x 12" - $250 - 10 lines @ 20 characters (3 line image optional)

  • 12" x 24" - $350 - 10 lines @ 45 characters (3 line image optional)

  • 24" x 24" - $500 - 20 lines @ 45 characters (3 line image optional)



  • Punctuation and spacing counts as a character. Periods, commas, and hyphens count as characters.

  • You can use “&” instead of the word “and” to save space.

  • Write dates as you want them to appear on your brick. Example:
    January 1, 2023
    Jan. 1 – 3, 2023
    Jan. 1 – Jan. 3, 2023

  • PROOF your order!!! Re-prints will be at full price and will not be printed until a later date.

If you have additional questions not answered in the guidelines, please email bricks@mend.org