Disclaimer — M.E.N.D.


The purpose of the M.E.N.D. web site is to provide information and comfort to bereaved families. It is NOT a substitute for professional advice.

M.E.N.D. does not provide professional services pertaining to any of the topics on our site. M.E.N.D. does not confirm the credentials of any person or persons representing themselves as professionals in articles included on the site. Many articles and/or poems on the web site are strictly derived from the personal experiences of individuals and/or families and are for the purpose of allowing others to know they are not alone in their walk through grief, to let them know that others have similar feelings, thoughts and/or actions resulting from the loss of a child, and to offer hope to the bereaved.

Neither M.E.N.D. nor any of its directors or agents make any representations with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied or express warrants of merchantability or fitness for any particular usage, application or purpose.

M.E.N.D. shall not be held responsible for links provided to other sites.