NWWA Leadership Team — M.E.N.D.

M.E.N.D. NW Washington Leadership Team

Genevieve Donnelly - CHAPTER DIRECTOR

Genevieve Donnelly
NW Washington Chapter Director

My name is Genevieve Donnelly. By the time I was twenty-one, my husband and I had experienced the loss of three children. On February 24, 1997, I miscarried Olivia Sophia @12 weeks. On Feb 12, 1997, I delivered Jessie Marie, stillborn @24 weeks. On May 16, 2000, I miscarried Levi Ernest @6 weeks.

It was not until 2019 that I found my M.E.N.D. support group by attending a meeting for a friend who had a recent loss. I didn’t think I needed a support group nineteen years out, but I have found healing and great comfort these past several years during our informal meetings.

I became the Assistant Director of the Northwest WA chapter of M.E.N.D. in March, 2020. I am honored to be part of others’ lifelong grief / healing journey’s.

Chapter Assistants

Katherine Sandoval

Katherine Sandoval