MidMichigan Leadership Team — M.E.N.D.

M.E.N.D. MidMichigan Leadership Team


Karen Kilbourn MidMichigan Chapter Director

Karen Kilbourn
MidMichigan Chapter Director

After two successful pregnancies and births, I never thought miscarriage would be a part of our story.  We had always known three was the number that felt ‘right’ to complete our family and we were excited to start trying for the final chapter in our pregnancy journey.  

In May, 2013 we read ‘pregnant’ on our digital test and were elated!  Our seven week ultrasound to confirm pregnancy came back with the comfort of ‘everything looks perfect’. Tragically, at 10 weeks gestation, we lost our precious third baby whom we named Indigo.  We had prayed for Indie and dedicated her to the Lord, but joy and excitement quickly turned to pain and grief in moments.  

It was at this time that the Lord was beginning to weave our testimony of grief that would later be the foundation for starting our M.E.N.D MidMichigan Chapter.  We found ourselves pregnant a fourth time and reliving the grief of a textbook pregnancy only to loose baby Red, at eight weeks gestation.  At this point, I started believing the lie that we were wrong about having more kids.  Why else would God take them from us?  I gave up on the dream of having a third child in our home and chose to focus on the kids we were blessed with, only to find out I was pregnant again.  The Lord so clearly gave me the phrase “I will sustain you,” and did He ever.  Being 35 and considered Advanced Maternal Age, I was closely monitored by my new OBGYN, and in November, 2015 our beautiful double rainbow baby, Sloane was born.  Without Indie and Red, there would be no Sloane.  As hard as it is to walk through the grief of loosing two children, I have the comfort in knowing that I’ll spend an eternity in heaven with them.  I read once that for every tear shed in grief on earth, there are infinite moments of joy on the other side of this life.  I choose to honor the lives of Indie and Red by following the call of the Lord to reach other families who are going through this journey of loss through miscarriage or infant death.  I know God has hope, comfort and peace that passes understanding for grieving families in MidMichigan.

M.E.N.D. is a registered 501(c)(3) and was founded in Irving, TX in 1996.  Please take a moment to meet our Board of Directors and national leadership team.

Chapter Assistants
