Houston Walk to Remember FAQ — M.E.N.D.

Greater Houston
Walk To Remember FAQ

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In 1988, former President Ronald Reagan declared the month of October as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month. To commemorate this declaration, many infant loss organizations across the country, such as M.E.N.D., host what is known as a "Walk to Remember."  Unlike the name may imply, the Walk is not a fundraiser, nor a "walk-a-thon." Instead, it is a beautiful ceremony to remember our babies who have died. 

M.E.N.D.- Greater Houston is hosting our 19th annual Walk To Remember in Houston, TX on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at 1 p.m. at Lone Star College Kingwood.

Is there a fee to participate in The Walk?

No. M.E.N.D. is proud to offer all of our services and ceremonies at no cost to the families that participate.  Donations are accepted and appreciated at any time throughout the year.  Donors who give $25 or more prior to September 30, 2024 will be considered as a sponsor of the Walk to Remember and will be acknowledged in the Walk program. 

Can family members and friends come to The Walk with me?

Absolutely. Children and babies are welcome too.

How long does The Walk last?

The ceremony is planned for 1 hour 30 minutes.

How far is the actual Walk?

Not far at all. The Walk is a simply a slow-paced, quiet time of reflection as families remember their babies.

Why do I need to register for The Walk?

Unique ornaments are carefully selected for every Walk to Remember as a token of remembrance for each family.

Unique ornaments are carefully selected for every Walk to Remember as a token of remembrance for each family.

Because M.E.N.D. is a 501(c)(3) funded solely by donations, we need your help to ensure we are stewarding our donations with care.  The cost for us to honor each baby at the Walk to Remember is approximately $40-$50 per baby. We provide a special ornament with your baby's name and birth / death date on it. One ornament per baby is given to each family. You may place this ornament on one of the M.E.N.D. trees at the designated time during the ceremony.

Following the ceremony, it is yours to remove from the tree and keep. Please do not remove your ornament during the middle of ceremony.

NOTE: The Walk to Remember is an event to remember babies lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death (up to 1-year of age.) Please help us be good stewards of the donations made to our ministry by not registering to remember older children or adults. Thank you for your assistance in ensuring our donations are dedicated to supporting infant loss families.

What are the Memory Signs?

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Personalized Memory Signs are available for $50 with your baby's name and DOB/DOD.  Signs must be ordered by September 23rd. All signs ordered will be displayed along the pathway for the Walk. The signs are yours to keep to take home at the conclusion of the Walk. M.E.N.D. will gladly reserve a place for your sign for subsequent annual Walks for an additional $25 donation each year. 

What if I have registered for The Walk and the number of people I registered as attending has changed — or I am now unable to attend?

Please do not register again. Instead, please contact Nikisha Perry at nikisha@mend.org to report your updated information.

What if I registered for the Walk and I am unable to attend - do I still receive my ornament?

Priority goes to the families who actually attend the Walk, not necessarily to those who register. If we need extra ornaments for those who attend the Walk but did not register before the online registration is closed and we run out of extra ornaments, we will begin to disassemble the unclaimed ornaments and personalize them for those who attend (a good reason to arrive early to check in.)

What do I need to do the day of The Walk?

Beginning at 12 p.m., our team will be ready to assist you for check in and ornament pick up. Wear casual, comfortable clothes that are conducive to the weather.  Many families have personalized shirts made in memory of their baby.

What should I wear?

Most families were t-shirts that represent their baby with jeans or shorts. Wear comfortable clothing. We will be outside and it’s typically warm and sunny.

Will there still be a balloon release at the Walk to Remember?

No, due to concerns with the environment and local ordinances we will not be releasing balloons. 

How can I order a brick to be placed in the M.E.N.D. Garden of Hope?

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The M.E.N.D. Garden of Hope was dedicated in October 2016 and is located in Irving, TX. You DO NOT have to live in Texas to have a brick in the Garden. Bricks in the Garden of Hope are installed once a year just before the Dallas/Fort Worth Walk to Remember each October.  

If you are interested in ordering a brick, you can place your order on our webpage under Garden of Hope.  2025 brick orders will be open from October 5, 2024 through July 15, 2025.  Bricks ordered during that time will be installed prior to the 2025 DFW Walk to Remember.  

For Additional Questions

Please contact Nikisha Perry

PHOTOGRAPHY NOTICE:  Please be aware that professional photographers will be onsite during the ceremony and that your photo, if taken, could be used in M.E.N.D. marketing materials.  No compensation will be given to individuals whose photos are used.