DFW Leadership Team — M.E.N.D.

M.E.N.D. Dallas / Fort Worth Leadership Team

Rebekah mitchell - CHAPTER DIRECTOR

Rebekah Mitchell President & Founder of M.E.N.D. DFW Chapter Director

Rebekah Mitchell
President & Founder of M.E.N.D.
DFW Chapter Director

My second son, Jonathan Daniel Mitchell, was stillborn on June 24, 1995 due to a cord accident.  One year following his death, I felt a great need to connect with other moms who had also experienced the loss of a baby.   

Just after the one year anniversary of Jonathan's stillbirth, I saw a notice of a baby's death in the Dallas obituaries.  I sent the mom a sympathy card and we became fast friends, sharing the common bond of our unthinkable heartbreak.  Within a few weeks, we met two more moms who had also experienced the loss of their babies.  After a few months of us continuously talking on the phone, emailing and meeting, I realized we had actually started our own support group.  I named our little group M.E.N.D. - Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death. 

Today, M.E.N.D. is 24 years old.  We have chapters across the country and offer monthly support groups, remembrance ceremonies and regularly give presentations to healthcare providers on how to care for families when a baby dies. I am deeply sorry you have a reason to be on our website, but know you are loved and surrounded by women who understand your deep sorrow.  I pray M.E.N.D. can be a source of hope and comfort for you as you mourn the death of your sweet little baby.

M.E.N.D. is a registered 501(c)(3) and was founded in Irving, TX in 1996.  Please take a moment to meet our Board of Directors and national leadership team.

Advisory Board

Paula Schear

Paula Schear

D'Anna Sims

D'Anna Sims

Cindy Dedear

Cindy Dedear

Mallory Gallagher

Mallory Gallagher

Marisa Perry

Marisa Perry

Liz Walker

Liz Walker