DFW Christmas Candlelight Ceremony FAQ


Is there a fee to participate in the Christmas Candlelight Ceremony?

No. M.E.N.D. is proud to offer all of our services and ceremonies at no cost to the families that participate.  Donations are accepted and appreciated at any time throughout the year.  Donors who give  $25 or more prior to November 26, 2024 will be considered as a sponsor of the Christmas Candlelight Ceremony and will be acknowledged in the event program.  Family sponsorship levels are available as detailed on the donation page. 

What time should I arrive for the 7:30 Ceremony?

Doors into the auditorium will open at 7:15, but you are welcome to start arriving by 7:00 and participate in the raffle or shop in our M.E.N.D Store.

What Should I Wear to the Ceremony?

There certainly is not a dress code, but most people do dress up a little.   Please feel free to wear whatever you’d like.

Can I bring my living children to the Ceremony?

You are welcome to bring your living children to the ceremony, but keep in mind it is a quiet event and it can be hard for little ones to sit quietly and still for that long.


How long does the Ceremony last?

Usually the ceremony lasts just about an hour.

What if I have registered for The Christmas Candlelight Ceremony and the number of people I registered as attending has changed — or I am now unable to attend?

Please do not register again. Instead, please contact Rebekah Mitchell to report your updated information.

Zuckerman Bric k.jpg

Looking for the perfect way to remember your baby during this holiday season? Consider ordering a brick in the garden of Hope.

Bricks in the Garden of Hope are installed once a year just before the Walk to Remember each October.  If you are interested in ordering a brick, you can place your order on our webpage under Garden of Hope.  2025 brick orders will be open from October 1, 2024 through July 15, 2025. Bricks ordered during that time will be installed prior to the 2025 Walk to Remember.  

For Additional Questions

Please contact Rebekah Mitchell