Columbus Leadership Team — M.E.N.D.

M.E.N.D. Columbus Leadership Team


LaTrina Bray Columbus Chapter Director

LaTrina Bray
Columbus Chapter Director

I have not had the privilege of raising my babies, but I am a mother. In 2005, I miscarried my daughter, Kimani. I saw her on an ultrasound, heard her heartbeat, and gave her a nickname. A few weeks later, at my 12-week appointment, the doctor told me there was no heartbeat. I miscarried our son, Jeremiah, in 2011, without a known cause. Then I miscarried our daughter, Laila, also in 2011...on Mother’s Day. I felt an emptiness that I was unable to express with words. It was not only my arms that were empty, but my heart. I felt isolated and misunderstood because most of my friends were celebrating baby birthdays and milestones. Even well-meaning people echoed painful statements like “Well, you just need to keep trying”, or “Well, you can have another baby”. For me, neither of these statements were true.

Even though I was living, I silently held on to my pain, hurt and anger for a long time. However, when I stopped making excuses for my feelings and allowed myself to receive comfort from the LORD, my husband Earl III and others, then my healing began and a passion for brokenhearted women struggling with grief and infertility was stirred up within me. Unbeknownst to me, my pain was being transformed into purpose. I know it is only because of God’s grace that I am here. I am so thankful for the opportunity to show the love of God, share my testimony, and give comfort to others, because of what He has so graciously given me.

Over the course of my journey, I did attend a local support group, but I did not develop long-term relationships with anyone. However, when I was led to M.E.N.D., I was embraced by a community, not strangers. I was welcomed and received understanding, comfort, and a genuine love. I am humbled and honored to serve the LORD, M.E.N.D., and Columbus families, as a Chapter Director. I pray that M.E.N.D.-Columbus will be a place where families can share their grief, receive compassion, and experience God’s grace on their journey to healing and hope. “He heals the brokenhearted…” Psalm 147:3 NLT

M.E.N.D. is a registered 501(c)(3) and was founded in Irving, TX in 1996.  Please take a moment to meet our Board of Directors and national leadership team.

Chapter Assistants